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Full Dragonball Z Episodes - Vegeta Saga
1. The Arrival of Raditz
2. The World's Strongest Team
3. Gohan's Hidden Powers
4. Goku's Unusual Journey
5. Gohan's Metamorphosis
6. Gohan Makes a Friend
7. Trouble on Arlia
8. Home for Infinite Losers
9. Princess Snake's Hospitality
10. Escape From Piccolo
11. Showdown in the Past
12. The end of Snake Way
13. A Fight Against Gravity
14. The Legend of the Saiyans
15. A Black Day for Planet Earth
16. The Battle Begins...
17. The Saibamen Strike
18. Nappa...The Invincible?
19. Tien Goes All Out!
20. Time's Up!!
21. The Return of Goku
22. Goku Strikes Back
23. Goku vs. Vegeta...A Saiyan Duel
24. Vegeta...Saiyan Style!
25. Stop Vegeta Now!!
26. Battle's End
27. A New Goal...Namek!
28. A Journey to Namek
29. Friends or Foes?!
30. Hunt for a Dragon Ball
31. Who's Who?
32. Touchdown on Namek
33. Face Off on Namek
34. The Ruthless Frieza
35. The Nameks Versus Frieza